Frank Hurst Profile against asian ladies in bg

The Story of JETT - The Quest Begins

Book cover image for the The Story of Jett

The Story of JETT - The Quest Begins

Jul 2024

Frank is thrilled with the just released front cover of his latest book in The Story of Jett series. The book subtitled 'The Quest Begins' is due for release in November and features ten wonderful illustrations by Susy Dixon-Jones. If you're looking for a Christmas present for a 7-11 year old, this could be just the ticket!

The Bangkok Betrayal

Book cover image for the The Bangkok Betrayal

The Bangkok Betrayal

Mar 2024

The Book Guild publishing house has just released this fantastic front cover for Frank's latest story in his much loved 'Hansom Cab' series. Due to be published in May '24, the novel starts with a murder on one of the most affluent streets in Victorian London. It sees Henry Gough embroiled in a clandestine investigation to uncover a British traitor passing secrets to France. Henry's assignment takes him to faraway Siam and into the court of King Chulalongkorn where European powers vie for influence and control.

Frank has already started book three in the Hansom Cab series.

Potrait Frank Hurst

Frank has now ceased his publishing relationship with LR Price Publications and is pleased to announce that his first 'Hansom Cab' series novel 'The Peccavi Plot' will shortly be re-published by his new publisher, The Book Guild.

The Story of JETT

Book cover image for the story of jett

The Story of JETT

Mar 2024

Frank has just completed the sequel to his popular children's book "The Story of Jett". This second story in the series, entitled, 'The Quest Begins' has been illustrated once more by the much-acclaimed artist, Susy Jones, whose unique style and brilliant use of colour has enthralled readers. This is just a taste of one of her many illustrations which will accompany the book which due for release later this year.

Frank has also secured the help of a wonderful narrator, Lauren Dennington,. Lauren has brought life and vivacity to the story and it's hoped an audio book will be released simultaneously

The Story of JETT

Book cover image for the story of jett

The Story of JETT

August 2023

Troubador Publishing has just finalised the cover of Frank's first children's book, aimed at 8-11 year olds. Full publication and distribution is due for 28th October 2023.

The design relies heavily on the wonderfully vivid illustrations produced by Susy Jones. Huge thanks to all those who helped make this happen!

The Bangkok Betrayal

A montage of colonial images from the boer war

The Bangkok Betrayal

July 2023

Frank Hurst has just completed his latest novel, the second exhilarating story of his new Hansom Cab Trilogy.

An extraordinary turn of events sees cab proprietor, Henry Gough propelled from the familiar streets of Victorian London into the grip of a stirring adventure, full of danger, political intrigue and ruthless treachery in faraway Siam.

When Henry becomes the only witness to the brutal murder of his passenger on one of London's richest avenues, he is given a clandestine mission to perform - one which will end on the banks of Bangkok's steamy Chao Phraya River. As he uncovers a sinister plot that will bring chaos to Siam, Henry draws ever closer to revealing the assassin's true identity, and is forced to confront powerful forces that threaten his own life.

As Britain and France's colonial ambitions clash inside the court of King Chulalongkorn, the scene is set for a bitter struggle that will decide the fate of Siam itself.

The Bangkok Betrayal is a breathtaking addition to the series of Henry Gough novels that began with The Peccavi Plot.

“A must read - a cracking tale that will transport readers to another world; full of wonderful and believable characters.”

“While twists and turns abound, the story retains the authenticity for which Hurst's writing is so renowned.”

Sequel to The Peccavi Plot

Frank Hurst against background of temples. Photo of laptop and pen

Sequel to The Peccavi Plot

Mar 2023

The sequel to The Peccavi Plot still doesn't have a name but the manuscript is now well into its final stages. Who would have imagined a humble London hansom cab driver could have ever become embroiled in the intrigue and politics of the Royal Court of Siam! The aim is to have the first draft completed before a very different King is crowned! Writing in the peace and quiet of a tropical garden in ancient Ayutthaya certainly helps.

Troubador Publishing

Banner for Mekong Dragon

Troubador Publishing

Mar 2023

Frank is thrilled to announce that Troubador Publishing have taken on his Golden Triangle Trilogy in full. After successfully publishing The Postmistress of Nong Khai in 2016 the second and third books in the series, The Chiang Mai Assignment and Mekong Dragon have now been added to the collection, and can be explored via the Troubador links for each book. Many thanks must go to the excellent team at Troubador for producing such a high-quality product.

Evening at the Chiang Mai Gymkhana Club - a true haven

Photo of laptop on table. Hot sun in shade. chiang Mai

Evening at the Chiang Mai Gymkhana Club - a true haven

Feb 2023

Frank arrived back in Chiang Mai in February to work on completing his sequel to 'The Peccavi Plot'. The new novel sees Henry Gough embark on a precarious journey to the mysterious Orient in search of the killer of a Siamese prince. Set both in 1880s London and Bangkok, it promises to be another story of Victorian espionage, interlaced with intrigue, danger and romance. If all goes well, publication will be in time for Christmas. What a present!

Frank has just completed his first children's thriller, “The Story of Jett”

Author Frank Hurst in Chinang Mai. Computer on table

Frank has just completed his first children's thriller,
“The Story of Jett”

May 2022

Frank has just completed his first children’s thriller, “The Story of Jett”. Set in a distant corner of our galaxy on the moon Trident, one of the swirling satellites of the planet Neptuna, the story of an eight-year-old boy’s adventures to be reunited with his long-lost family will thrill younger readers who enjoy adventure books or listening to bedtime stories read to them by adults. When a natural disaster robs young Jett of his parents and younger brother, he sets out to find them. Stumbling into a hostile new world, he befriends a girl his age who can help him in his quest. While learning a string of life affirming lessons on his perilous journey, Jett discovers that his hitherto sworn enemies are kinder than he imagined, and are prepared to lend a hand too. Fully illustrated in gloriously vibrant colours by the highly acclaimed artist, Susy Jones, the tale is a must read for all youngsters who relish exciting tales, vibrant characters and a story with plenty of surprises.

Author Frank Hurst returns from Chiang Mai

Author Frank Hurst in Chinang Mai. Computer on table

Author Frank Hurst returns from Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai
Dec 2021

Frank has just returned from Chiang Mai where he has been researching a sequel to 'The Peccavi Plot', which he plans to set in both Victorian London and 19th century Siam (no spoilers!) Northern Siam has a fascinating history - where a powerful aura of magic pervades the senses. Watch this space!!

Author Frank Hurst recalls his visit to the Afghan border twenty-five years ago and wonders if anything has changed?

WOM Magazine article photo. Frank Hurst in crop field

Author Frank Hurst recalls his visit to the Afghan border twenty-five years ago and wonders if anything has changed?

WOM Magazine
Oct 2021

At the time, I was stationed in New Delhi, working for HMG to develop lines of intelligence to stem the flow of South West Asian heroin onto Britain’s streets...

Author Frank Hurst Discovers an Ancestor with an Extraordinary Story to Tell...

Henry Gough, my great-grandfather circa 1880 (with tints!)
Caroline Buchan, my great-grandmother circa 1880

Author Frank Hurst Discovers an Ancestor with an Extraordinary Story to Tell...

29 Apr 2021

The life of Henry Gough – A Victorian Rag to Riches Tale of Passion and Courage.

An Author in Lockdown

Thailand Landscape

An Author in Lockdown

Expat Life in Thailand
26 Apr 21

On the face of it, a global pandemic should be perfect for a writer. It requires society to keep itself at arms length, maintain a respectable social distance, visit nowhere, apart perhaps from the pharmacist or the greengrocer. It should be a boon for a writer. There is a perceived wisdom; all a writer needs is an idea, a pen and lashings of solitude – right? Well, only partly right. Let me explain.